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School Logo

St. Paul's C of E VA

Primary and Nursery School

Walk on Water


At St Paul's we have a:
* 30 hour Nursery 9am to  3pm Monday to Friday 
* one class per year from Reception to Year 6
* committed and experienced staff team
* Wrap around-care  (All Aboard Kids Club)
* hard working and committed Governing Board
* proactive group of parents who work tirelessly to raise funds for our school PTA (The Friends')

Applications to the main school are managed by Hertfordshire County Council.  Their web address is:

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the school office on 01923 263641.

The Parish of Langleybury: See map below or visit the website and put in the school’s postcode (WD4 8RJ) in the “location” search box, it should take you to a page saying “Parish of St Paul’s Langleybury” and a map.


In Year Admissions

2024 - 2025: We have spaces available in the following classes: 

Nursery (fourteen), Reception (three), Year 1 (one), Year 2 (three), Year 3 (four), Year 5 (one) & Year 6 (one)


If you are looking at changing schools in Hertfordshire, please complete an in year admission application with Hertfordshire County Council. 

Please contact the school office to book a school tour.

Please telephone the school office to book onto a Reception or Nursery tour.

Tuesday 3rd December at 11:00am

Monday 9th December at 10:00am


Nursery Admissions

 Nursery admissions are managed by the school. We take children from the term after they have turned 3 and offer a September, January or April start for those children. Our Nursery class can have 26 children.

Please complete the Nursery application form and return to the school office:


We offer 2 options:

15 hours provision per week - Monday to Friday 9am to 12pm OR 

30 hours provision per week - Monday to Friday 9am to 3pm 

Please provide your 30 hour eligibility code to the school office. If you are not eligible for the 30 hours, you can purchase the additional provision at £20.00/ session/ day.


We can also offer: 

  • A paid lunch club from 12pm-1pm for those who currently stay for 15 hours but would like the benefit of a lunch club and a 1pm end. A home packed lunch will need to be provided and the charge per day is £5.00

  • An additional paid 30 minutes club from 3.00pm-3.30pm so that it brings the nursery times in line with the rest of the school. This will be charged for at £3.30 per day

These sessions will be invoiced in advance termly and payment must be made in advance. The school will accept 2 payments made at the beginning of each term. 




