Meet the Team
Herts County Council School #:-779 DfES #:- 9193301
Chair of Governors: Mrs Dixon
Head Teacher: Miss Cohen
Deputy Head Teacher and EYFS Leader: Mrs O’Sullivan
Key Stage 1 Leader: Miss Martindale
Key Stage 2 Leader: Mrs Derby
SENCo: Mrs Derby
School Business Manager: Mrs Oosthuizen
School Secretary: Mrs Graham
Site Manager: Mr Brockway
Year 6: Mrs Derby (Mrs O’Sullivan for 2 afternoons)
Year 5: Miss Ince
Year 4: Mrs Reeves
Learning Support Assistant Team 2 :
Mrs Lockwood, Miss Ricketts, Mrs Ward and Miss Williams
Year 3: Miss Knights
Year 2: Miss Martindale
Year 1: Mrs Wilson
Learning Support Assistant Team 1:Mrs Blackburn, Mrs Chidley, Mrs Khajavi, Mrs Marshall , and Mrs Thomas
Reception: Mrs O’Sullivan and Mrs Styles
Learning Support Assistant: Mrs Boswell
Nursery: Mrs Paine and Mrs Ellingham (Friday)
Learning Support Assistant: Mrs Law
Midday Supervisory Assistant: Mrs Khajavi
Additional Teachers: Mrs Westwood and Mrs Ellingham
Higher Level Teaching Assistant: Mrs Chidley
Sports Coach: Mr Morgan and Mr Chivers from Sport's Future deliver sport across the school and works on a Wednesday and a Thursday.
Music Teacher: Mrs Sands teaches specialist music to Years 3-6 on a half-termly basis.