Physical Education
Our vision for PE
At St. Paul's, we are passionate that our pupils should develop spiritually, academically and in body. We aim for all children to flourish in and out of the classroom; for pupils to develop resilience and believe in their future possibilities; for talents to be nurtured ensuring that pupils achieve their God-given potential.
Curriculum Intent
At St. Paul’s C of E Primary School we believe that Physical Education, delivered safely and in a supportive environment, is essential to ensure that children attain optimum physical and emotional development. The lessons in good health will be embedded so that our pupils continue to follow them beyond school and into adulthood.
High-quality teaching and learning opportunities delivered by sports specialists (Mr Morgan and Mr Chivers) as well as class teachers will inspire all children to succeed in physical education. Our children will learn life skills needed to keep them safe, healthy and to have fun including swimming, fitness and competitive sports.
Other values and disciples that our PE curriculum promotes include:
- Skills in co-operation and collaboration to be an effective team
- Understanding fairness and equity of play
- Skills in self-reflection to assess their own and others’ performance
- Positive self-esteem
- Respect for others
Curriculum Implementation
Our curriculum aims to improve the wellbeing and fitness of all children at St. Paul’s as well as giving pupils opportunities to enjoy competing in sports. We aim to ensure that children are active for 30 minutes per day in school (in line with the government’s 60 active minutes campaign). This includes through our Outdoor Play and Learning (OPAL) opportunities developed during break and lunchtimes.
Pupils participate in two high-quality hours of PE each week. One hour is taught by a sports specialist and one hour by the class teacher.
Skill areas (gymnastics, dance, outdoors adventurous activities, invasion games, net and wall games and striking and fielding games) are taught annually or within phase year groups ensuring a progression of knowledge and skills. Some aspects of Outdoor Adventurous Activities will take place on school trips and residentials. Swimming is taught in Year 4 and Year 5 where pupils may have some experience in swimming already and have the time for ‘catch up’ sessions in Years 6 if needed.
All resources and equipment needed for PE lessons are used in accordance with ‘Safe Practice in PE’ (AfPE).
Pupils are encouraged to participate in extra-curricular activities including OPAL activities run by members of staff or playleaders. Members of the St. Paul’s Sports Crew are encouraged to promote PE and games throughout the year and particularly during House Festivals Week in the summer.
Our pupils are invited to attend competitive sporting events within the local area organised by the Watford and Three Rivers School Sports Partnership. This inclusive approach encourages both physical development but positive mental well-being. In Years 5 and 6, some pupils will be selected to be sports leaders. They attend training to promote sports within the school and may lead games for other year groups.
Curriculum Impact
By the end of Year 6, the requirements of the National Curriculum are fully met and pupils are equipped to compete in age-appropriate levels of the different sports (see curriculum map).
Our pupils will be motivated to participate in a variety of sports through quality teaching that is engaging and fun.
They will learn to take responsibility for their own health and fitness and be equipped with the necessary skills to enjoy competing in sports.
Lessons in good health will be continued in their journey to secondary school and into adult life.
Recent Sporting Opportunities
Boys' Football win 2-0 against The Orchard Primary School - December 2024
Rounders Team - Summer 2024 2nd place in Parmiter's League
Boys’ football vs DivineSaviour 3-1 to St Paul’s Spring 2024
Cross Country finals - February 2024
Sporting Opportunities 2023
School Sports Partnership - SSP
As well as experiencing a comprehensive PE curriculum, St. Paul's pupils have opportunities to take part in many sporting events outside of school. We are continuing our membership of The Three Rivers and Watford School Sports Partnership so our pupils can look forward to taking part in a variety of competitions and festivals during the academic year.