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St. Paul's C of E VA

Primary and Nursery School

Walk on Water

Year 1


Welcome to the Year 1 class page!




Autumn 1 2024

Welcome to Year 1! We hope you had a lovely summer holiday.


This half term our history topic is 'Toy Story'. We will start by thinking about what has changed in our own lifetime. We will then be learning about toys that we have now and toys that our grandparents had as children. We will explore and think about reasons for the similarities and differences. We will also think about other things that would have been different when our grandparents were growing up, such as transport and houses. We will finish the topic by inviting our grandparents in for a Toy Tea Party! 



We will also be:


  • reading stories with predictable phrases and a selection of Julia Donaldson's stories; writing a recount of what happened to Stickman; and writing labels and captions for a Toy Museum in English
  • counting, comparing and ordering numbers, adding and subtracting within 20 in maths
  • learning about seasonal changes in science
  • exploring the question 'Who is a Christian and what do they believe?' in RE
  • drawing dots and lines, mixing primary colours to make secondary colours and exploring the work of Paul Klee in art


Don't forget that:


  • PE is on Wednesday mornings and Friday afternoons this half term - please ensure your child's PE kit is always in school

  • Our Library slot is on a Thursday afternoon

  • Homework is set on a Thursday and is due in on a Tuesday

  • A pair of trainers and wellies should be kept in school every day for play time

  • A coat should be worn unless the weather is warm and dry

  • All uniform must be labelled with your child's name



Have a look below at our timetable, curriculum overview, curriculum information letter and knowledge organisers which will give you more insight into our learning.  Keep looking at the page throughout the year for updates on what we have been up to and the fun we have had together!



Mrs Wilson 
