Curriculum Intent
In Maths we aim to enrich the children's love and passion for Maths by providing a stimulating maths curriculum following the Herts for Learning scheme of work PA+. It is based on the Primary Framework for Maths. The children are challenged as they learn to become fluent, reason and problem solve with maths ideas and processes.
To achieve this pupils develop their understanding of number, shape, measure and data handling. Emphasis is placed on mental maths skills and recall of number facts and patterns. Pupils are encouraged to apply their mathematical knowledge to problem solving and investigation and to reason and explain their mathematical thinking.
To support this we have maths targets across the school so children can reach goals step by step and make progress. We use maths resources daily in every lesson and ensure that the children have access to practical learning whenever possible, including the outdoor learning environment.
To inspire we plan fun and interactive lessons and use theme days to raise the profile and love for maths.
We want to enable pupils to see that Mathematics can be a way of viewing and making sense of the world and to be able to think logically, use Mathematical language with confidence and to enjoy investigating, solving and developing their own methods for calculation.
Useful Maths Resources
Please see some additional resources to supplement learning at home.
Click on the links below to bring you some great websites with videos to watch and games to play.
Stem Learning
BBC Bitesize
Top Marks
Oxford Owl
Cool Math for Kids
Maths on Toast
Don't forget that maths is all around us! Talk about the shapes you can see, the weather temperature outside, what temperature the clothes are washed at, how long it will take for the washing up to be done, how much flour is needed to make some cakes, how long they need to be baked for. You can find maths in all that you do!