Parent Governor
Welcome to the Governing Body!
Our Governors:
Marika Dixon (Chair of Governors)
Jessica Currie (Vice Chair of Governors)
Michelle Cohen (Head Teacher)
Vaan Livermore-Hardy (Safeguarding)
Sarah Reeve
Laura Hart (Associate Governor)
Frances Derby (Associate Governor)
Aoife O'Sullivan (Co-opted Governor)
Kirsty Martindale (Staff Governor)
Kim Paine
Ashley Oosthuizen (Associate Governor)
Jane Penry
Marie Schmidd
Governing Body Structure
We have a Full Governing Board who meet formally 4 times a year plus a School Development Committee and a Resources Committee who meet half-termly and feed back to the FGB. In addition, the Headteacher, Chair and Vice-Chair have half-termly strategy meetings and the Safeguarding Governor meets the Designated Senior Person for Safeguarding once a half-term. Associate Governors do not have voting rights.
What does a Governing Body (GB) do?
The GB supports the work of the school. It provides a different perspective from that of the staff and can help the school to plan for the future and to monitor that it is doing what it says it is doing. It also helps to evaluate the effectiveness of the school’s activities. In short, it acts as a critical friend.
Why do schools have governing bodies?
To fulfil their mission: to provide the best possible education for their pupils. A governing body can do this by:
- helping the school to set high standards by planning for the school's future and setting targets for school improvement
- being a true friend to the school, in good times and bad times, offering the school its support, advice and challenge
- challenging the school to continually strive for improvement in all it does
- monitoring the progress on plans the school has for its development and monitoring the impact of these plans
- helping the school to be responsive to the needs of the community and making the school more accountable to the public for what it does.