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St. Paul's C of E VA

Primary and Nursery School

Walk on Water


Welcome to Reception! 


Summer 2

It is hard to believe that we are entering the final half term of the year. I hope the children are well-rested and ready for the next few weeks as we have lots of fun activities planned!


This term our topic is called Under the Sea. We will learn about different sea animals and water habitats, and explore vehicles that are used in the sea.


House Festival Week will take place this half term as will EYFS Sports' Day, Take One Picture week and our school trip!


Please check back regularly for updates of our learning experiences.



1) PE is on Wednesday. Children need trainers and socks in their PE kit bags.

2) Homework is set on Thursday each week and should be returned on Tuesday. Please ensure the Collins book is returned with the home learning folder each Tuesday.

3) All children need a sunhat and water bottle in school during the Summer months.


If you have any questions about anything then please feel free to come and talk to one of the members of the Reception team.


Mrs O'Sullivan

Phonics and Early Reading Workshop 26.09.2023
