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School Logo

St. Paul's C of E VA

Primary and Nursery School

Walk on Water

Useful Information

Daily Timetable

Communication Flow Chart 2023/2024

St Paul's Funding - visual document

Parents of Year 6 pupils (and secondary students) can apply for a Hertfordshire SaverCard which will give 11 to 19 year old's half price travel on bus fares. 


 SaverCard in Hertfordshire | Hertfordshire County Council  

Aspens Services: SwiftKitchen online ordering

Getting Started with Swift Kitchen

Learn the basics of Swift Kitchen

Free School Meals:

Have your financial circumstances changed as a result of Covid-19?

If so, you may be entitled to Free School Meals.

Please click on the link below for further information:





Universal Infant Free School Meals and Free School Meal Information

Music Lessons are provided by Hertfordshire Music Service and Rhythm Room Limited.


  • Rhythm Room provide drum, guitar and piano lessons.

Rhythm Room - or 01908 418 570 


  • Hertfordshire Music Service provide flute, violin and cornet lessons.

Hertfordshire Music Service - or 01438 844851



Music: Rhythm Room
