Advent Market 2017
The annual Advent Market took place on Sunday 26th November. The joint fundraising event with St Paul's Church was extremely well attended and a great success. The choir opened the market to huge applause, led by Miss Cohen and Jo on the piano. The advent market had many different stalls including Christmas Cones, bottle, teddy and chocolate tombola's, tea at the Ritz hosted by year 6 children, Santa's grotto, secret room, toasted marshmallows by the fire, face painting and karaoke! We also had many companies selling beautiful gifts. The afternoon was filled with the spirit of Christmas. A big thank you to the Friends of St Paul's for arranging this marvellous event and to the parental community of St Paul's school for your support in bringing items in for all the stalls and to the Church for organising all the beautiful food and other stalls we had.