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St. Paul's C of E VA

Primary and Nursery School

Walk on Water

Church and School Advent Market

The Church and School Advent Market was a huge success. It took place on the 26th of November and the school was buzzing!

The School Choir opened the event with 3 beautiful songs, Santa visited the school and spent time in his Grotto and there were many wonderful stalls to visit. 

There was something for everyone with wonderful crafts to jazzy jars with sweets! Year 6 were excellent waiters and waitresses at Tea at the Ritz and the cakes were delicious.

The Raffle was a big success with the winning prize of a night at the Grove Hotel. 

Thank you to everyone who helped on a stall, washed up, dried up, cooked a burger, folded a raffle ticket and took money. The Church and school have both raised some much needed money and we are both very grateful.

Merry Christmas!
